Our Preferred Providers
At Willsmere Dental, we are steadfastly committed to making dentistry accessible to our patients. We accept all health funds and have HICAPS on site for convenient same day rebate claims.
Learn more about the following preferred providers.

If you are a HCF member you are entitled to numerous benefits each year including two oral examinations, two scale and cleans and more. Learn more>>

nib First Choice Provider
With nib, you can access a wide range of dental services, from general to cosmetic, completed at a discounted rate according to your level of cover. Read more>>

For less than $100 a year for a single person, a couple or a family, smile.com.au dental cover will save you a guaranteed minimum 10% and up to 40% off all dental fees every time you visit our dental practice. Learn more>>

CBHS Health Fund
With CBHS, there is no gap payment for numerous preventive treatments such as a checkup and clean, intraoral X-rays, fluoride treatment, and mouthguards (provided you have CBHS dental cover and sufficient rebate available). Read more>>

Medicare Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS)
For your child to be take advantage of this government program, they must meet the following criteria:
- Be 2 to 17 years old for at least 1 day that year
- Be eligible for Medicare
- Receive a payment from the Australian government at least once a year, or have a parent getting a payment from the Australian government at least once a year.
Contact Us
If you have questions about our preferred providers, call (03) 9853 1800 today!
Contact Us
* Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.